The other night I woke up out of my sleep at 4am. From that moment until I was time to take my daughter to school. I sat there thinking about random things. Work, my daughter, what bill needed to be paid that up coming weekend, even thinking about things that happened in the past that served me no purpose whatsoever in the present. Later that day I asked myself: “Why did you spend so much time thinking about things that could’ve waited?! Stop doing that!” Man wouldn’t life be great if it were that simple? Now that I’m an adult I realize that I had been doing things like this for years. Nobody ever sat me down and told me there was a name for it. It wasn’t until my mid twenties did I learn of the things that plagues over 2.4 millions Americans. Anxiety. A lot of the times we just accept being anxious at night and allow the excessive worry and restlessness to hinder our daily lives. While the best option may be to seek professional help. We know that some people aren’t ok with talking to complete strangers so we’ve gathered some ways to help you treat your anxiety on your own
- Avoid caffeine! You don’t need anything extra that will make it harder for you to fall asleep.
- Meditation. A lot of people don’t recommend meditation at night because you’re more than likely to fall asleep but that’s what we are aiming for! Getting sleep at night. The best thing about meditation is you can do it anytime you need to clear your thoughts.
- Exercise. Physical activity is known to reduce stress and anxiety. Not to mention the extra benefits of burning a few calories and shedding a few pounds.
- Stress Management. What is stressing you out? Start writing down solutions for things that are bothering you. Put a plan in action and stick to it.
- Support groups. Whether it be a strong friend, a relative or a group on Facebook. Find some inspiration somewhere. Find somebody to talk to. Keeping what’s worrying you bottled up will only make matters worse.
It’s extremely important to know the difference between “Everyday Anxiety” and “Anxiety Disorder”. Everyday anxiety is worrying or not sleeping because you’re thinking about a traumatic experience that recently occurred, stressing over bills or relationship issues. Anxiety disorder is having irrational fear of places or situations that don’t pose a threat, random panic attacks, and insomnia caused by flashbacks and recurring thoughts over a trauma that happened months or even years before. If you feel like your everyday anxiety is turning into an anxiety disorder we would encourage you to get help. According to Pasadena Villa, a rehab that specializes in treating mental health disorders, anxiety disorders quickly turn into depression. Depression is not something we would recommend you to try and self treat. Talking to a professional is the first step and the best step. We get help with other things we can’t fix, plumbing, car issues, computer viruses and these are material. We should treat our brains the same exact way. If something is going on that you or prayer can’t fix do not be ashamed to talk to a professional. Love yourself enough to receive all that you deserve, including help figuring out your mental health.
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