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Showing posts from 2020

To Whom It May Concern

Checking in to see how everyone is doing. 2020 has been a lot to deal with.  The pandemic has caused a lot of mixed emotions in itself. I know it has me rethinking a lot of things. I had no idea how bad my anxiety would be this year. While dealing with COVID and having concern for family and friends who lost their jobs, we were dealt the deaths of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. Shortly after, we had to watch a white woman threaten a black man with the police. We watched her call 911, telling them that there was an African American man in Central Park and she felt her life was endanger. Reminding us of the injustice of Central 5, she screamed in the phone while almost choking her dog to death. We sat angry with all of the shit that was going on, trying our hardest to stay sane until May 25th. An African American man by the name of George Floyd was accused of using a counterfeit 20.00 bill. Because of this, for 8 minutes and 46 seconds we watched a police officer pin him down ...

Love after a Fuck Boy/Girl

So you finally did it. You finally ended that bittersweet toxic relationship and it probably took you 20 tries to get it right. None of that matters. Only thing that matters now is you’re free. If you’ve been in this situation like I have, you know leaving that person alone is actually easier than moving on. It’s funny because I know that you’ve picked yourself up, stared at yourself in the mirror like: “It’s on”, “I’m about to fuck the summer up”, “I’m out here”.    You bought all the nicest outfits, reinvented your entire look, bought tickets to the hottest beaches and had a great couple of months after your breakup.  One day, after all the fun and all the trips, something triggered you. Whether it was a holiday, a wedding, or a baby shower. Something clicked, and you’re like ok I’m ready to try this shit again.  Now that you've established that you’re ready to start dating again.  You get the ball rolling however you do it. ...

Quarantine Crazy

 Hey friend! Long time no see.  How is everyone holding up during these trying times?  I hope you all are staying safe and stimulating your minds.  I know you haven't heard from me in a while, I miss you as much as you miss me.  Your girl is actually in the process of writing a book.  I'm telling you all ahead of time because it motivates me to actually get it done.  I set a goal to be done by my birthday this year in October, so please hold me to that.  I thought you guys might be going just as crazy as I am and wanted to provide you with a few things you can do to keep your mind off of the horrors of the world right now, with everybody on your timeline engaging in spreading fear it’s kinda hard not to.  Hopefully you will find something on this small list that will help keep you sane.  1. Start A Book Club Now is the perfect time to enrich your mind! You have tons of friends wit...

Cosmetic Surgery Taboos 02•28•2019

Cosmetic surgery.    What’s your stance on the subject? Do you think the stigma surrounding the subject is justified or do you believe it’s a bit excessive? I recently had a procedure performed and even though I knew I was going forward with the surgery for myself and that it was something I’d been wanting forever, I found myself lying to people about it, even treating it as if it was a secret and not telling certain people. It made me think, why is plastic surgery so taboo? When I was pregnant, I developed a bad case of anxiety that I wasn’t really able shake. If you’re a close friend of mine this is no secret to you. Starting with insomnia, my anxiety developed into full blown trichotillomania. I began to pull out hairs from my eyebrows and eyelashes. I was never treated for this condition, partially because mental health wasn’t really taught in school, for years I had no idea what anxiety was. Nobody was there to tell me what I was dealing with and in the black commu...

Bridal Gang 101 08•19•2019

 I got to be apart of a beautiful union between two friends. I experienced being a bridesmaid for the first time. If you’ve never been married or ever been a bridesmaid/groom like myself, then 9 times out of 10 you have no idea what accepting that title entails.    Don’t fret! That’s why I’m here to try everything first and give you the do’s and don’ts after.  First things first. You need to go into this experience with the mindset that everything you are about to do is all for the bride and groom. Nothing about this experience is for you. A lot of people accept being a bridesmaid/groom and somewhere down the line the focus shifts from who the wedding is about creating all sorts of havoc. The bride/groom owe you nothing! By accepting the role in this union you are agreeing to take on all that comes with it.  As a bridesmaid/groom, you are required to buy your dress/tux and shoes. For women you will have to pay for you own hair, makeup and nail care. S...

Letter To My Younger Self 05•28•2019

Dear Sharniece, You’re about to be a mom soon so I wanted to write you a letter and hope it helps you further on down the line. That man that you are about to share this child with is going to change your life. There will be a number of challenges with him along the way and he will break your heart in more ways than one. You will probably die without your heart ever being mended from choices he’s going to make later on in life. Although I would like to tell you to wait until you’re married,    you chose who you chose and instead of gaining a life partner like you hoped, you gained a best friend and his family will be come your own. Prepare to guide your child alone, although the man you chose will provide financially, you will have to be a mother and father to your baby girl. If you can, get out of Milwaukee as soon as possible. Take a year or two to plan your relocation so that it is successful and choose somewhere affordable. The sooner you move the better education y...

Single Mom Cliches 05•13•2019

In honor of Mommy May we thought it would be nice to laugh and debunk some of these single mother stereotypes. There’s so much out there to be said about single moms, mostly bad, but how much of it is true in 2019? Single moms of all races are flourishing. There are even women today who are choosing to be single moms for their own reasons. Instead of looking down on them you should be commending them. Below are some things we know to be false. Although there may be somethings that we didn’t identify with being a single mom, it doesn’t mean that others will read this and feel the same. Every situation is different.  Most single moms receive public assistance. While some moms receive some sort of assistance at the beginning of mommy hood, most of them don’t qualify for anything after they go back to work. Especially if they are middle class and receive the smallest amount of child support. We heard a saying before that said being middle class is worse than low class and...

Anxiety 4•05•2019

Anxiety The other night I woke up out of my sleep at 4am. From that moment until I was time to take my daughter to school. I sat there thinking about random things. Work, my daughter, what bill needed to be paid that up coming weekend, even thinking about things that happened in the past that served me no purpose whatsoever in the present. Later that day I asked myself: “Why did you spend so much time thinking about things that could’ve waited?! Stop doing that!” Man wouldn’t life be great if it were that simple? Now that I’m an adult I realize that I had been doing things like this for years. Nobody ever sat me down and told me there was a name for it. It wasn’t until my mid twenties did I learn of the things that plagues over 2.4 millions Americans. Anxiety. A lot of the times we just accept being anxious at night and allow the excessive worry and restlessness to hinder our daily lives. While the best option may be to seek professional help. We know that some people aren’t o...

April Awareness 04•01•2019

April Awareness Happy April. We know you are all anticipating the cold weather to turn into warm sunny days. Maybe you’re in Florida like us, and are looking forward to spending your weekends at the beach. We wanted to touch base with you on the great things that we have in store to make the launch of Spring even better.    We’ve decided to focus on awareness this month by kicking off the Self Love campaign.  Every Friday we plan on discussing a different topic to promote self love and help you get to your very best self. Be sure to come visit us every Friday to stay updated on this campaign.  April 5th: Mental Health, we will touch on subjects such as anxiety and depression and the taboos of getting help when need it.  April 12th: Physical Health, we will discuss the importance of healthy eating habits and regular doctor and dental visits. April 19th: Self Care, this is our selfish week where we want you to focus on you and only you. We will ta...

Tips On Earning Extra Cash 03•26•2019

Let’s talk about money. The one thing the most of us are trying to obtain. Whether you’re a member of the corporate world like me or a full time entrepreneur, we could all stand to add more sources of income to our catalog. We’ve all heard or read the quote “The average millionaire has seven sources of income”, because all of our readers are destined to be millionaires, we’ve put together a few supplemental income ideas to help you earn a few hundred bucks a week. Uber/Lyft Driver. Do you own a newer car with no visible damage? Do you have full coverage and a good driving history? Driving an Uber/Lyft might be perfect for you. With the option of an instant deposit up to 5 times a day, the turn around time on your cash is the ultimate plus. This does not include cash tips that you may receive from your passengers for the outstanding customer service that you will provide. Your car will be fully covered by Uber/Lyft for all rides given and will cover any damages or injuries caus...

Dining Out Budget 02•25•2019

Have you ever printed your bank statement and did a full analytic review? If not, you should. Try pulling the last three months of statements and highlighting where your money is spent the most.    My biggest money guzzler is FOOD! When I say food I definitely do not mean groceries.    I can have a fridge full of groceries and still want to dine out.    I live in a extremely diverse city where the options are massive.    Everywhere you turn there’s a restaurant serving something you never tried with drinks specials to go with it. It’s like a never ending vacation! A blessing and a curse at the same time.    When I look at my bank statements and tally up all the money spent on dining out I am completely embarrassed. Just yesterday I decided to embark a new journey. A journey that would be better for my body and my pockets. I decided to add a limit on dining out and focus on eating at home more. If you’re finding yourself in the same...

Date Yourself For Vday 2•14•2019

Date Yourself For Vday  One thing I choose to not touch on as a blogger is other people’s relationships.    Everyone’s situation is different.    What works for me may not work for you and vice versa.    Nobody can tell me about my relationship and I’m sure you feel the same way.    Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday and you can choose to celebrate it how and with whoever you want.    On the other hand you may be one of those people who chooses not to participate because you treat your spouse or yourself great everyday and that’s great! We love that, however, what does ruining this day for others do for your relationship or you personally? We all have the right to our opinion but pushing our agendas on others is a waste of time.    Our energy is budgeted remember? Don’t waste your time on wanting everyone to hate Valentines Day. Whatever your stance may be, you will leave the blog today with a few tips on what you ...

Self Love 02•01•2019

Why Self Love was so important for my growth as a woman I spent so many years trying to convince other people to love me.    Living up to their expectations, doing what they told me was right, trying to convince everybody but my damn self to love me.    I had no idea the years of damage that was piling while I was on this people pleasing binge.    After spending a year alone, away from the very people I was trying to please, I had what Oprah would call an “Ah ha” moment.    I had spent over 33 years cheating myself! I had a budget for everything including the way I loved myself.    I decided to put all that energy that I was giving to other people into convincing myself just how important I was. Self Care My first focus was my body.    When I say my body, I don’t mean my physical appearance but the actual body itself.    I had treated my own body so bad for over 30 years.    Filling it with u...

What Not To Ask A Woman Over 30 1•28•2019

5 Things you don’t ask a woman over 30 What is it about society that makes everyone think they are an expert on how a woman over 30 should live.    I’ve never seen so much energy put into anything else as much.    I reached out to few women, and although our list was never ending we came up with the 5 most annoying questions that we wish people would stop asking! When are you getting married? Respectively, the average white woman is married by the age 26 while the average black woman isn’t married until the age of 30. Even though black women tend to wait, their divorce rates are still higher. A smart woman knows the odds are against her to begin with and that patience is key when it comes to picking a life partner. There shouldn’t ever be an age cap on a decision like that.   The other woman doesn’t even want to get married. She’s against the constitution of marriage entirely.    She wants the freedom to do whatever she pleases ...