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Showing posts from April, 2019

30 Days To Happy

By Guest Blogger Shanda Norton It could all be so simple as waking up every morning happy and getting right back to happy when you find yourself in a funk right??? If it’s that simple for you then show yourself and give me secret ingredient to constant happiness. You may be wondering why I’m making it such a big deal I’m sure. I mean we all have unhappy moments and even bad days so I can cease the dramatics. Well it’s not that simple for me OK! No, I’m not manic depressive and no I’m not on medication although sometimes I think I should be. However, a bad moment turned into a bad day, a bad day turned into a bad week, and a bad week turned into a bad month. Let me not forget to mention that during this same bad month I was promoted with a big jump in pay, received a prestigious award from my company, my son received academic accolades, and I coached a vibrant group of cheerleaders. I had my health, a sound mind, and showed up for people in my life that needed me without ba...

Wrapping up our self love campaign

Self Love At this point in the game you should be well versed on exactly what self love is all about. It’s not only taking care of your physical body and it’s more than just pedicures and manicures. We’ve established the importance of mental and physical health, but the key to the highest levels of self love is identifying your areas of opportunities and owning your shit. We know you get it when we say love yourself but, we dont want you loving yourself so much that you are blind to your own bullshit. No one should love themselves so much that they don’t realize the unhealthy patterns that they keep finding themselves trying to get out of. Self love is hard work and will involve very essential humiliating conversations with yourself.  Areas Of Opportunities So, as we wrap up this month of awareness, we want to encourage you to have that conversation with yourself. Write down your areas of opportunities. We will share with you a few of ours to help get you start...

Physical Mental

Doctor Visits We are now approaching the end of the second week in April, wow that flew by fast. Last week, we asked you to take some time out and focus on your mental health. This week we are here to ask you, do you have an OBGYN? A primary care physician? A dermatologist? A dentist? Something I noticed in the black community is, after children, parents tend to keep up with the kids appointments and only worry about their own health when something is wrong. Based on a research report done by Cancer UK, almost half of cancer patients are diagnosed too late. Things that are usually caught by your primary doctor can go unseen if you aren‘t attending on an annual basis. Per the CDC, in 2016 only 64.4% of adults ages between 18-64 had visited the dentist last year. That‘s only a little over half. If you are paying for insurance every pay check GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH!!!! We understand copays are a pain, going to the doctor and dentist annually is your best bet. Everything is 100% c...